Wednesday, August 26, 2015

National Dog Day | Come And Get It

National Dog Day | Come And Get It
National Dog Day | Come And Get It

National Dog Day

Headlining comedian and all around hilarious woman Allegra Barnett posted this image of "Dog The Bounty Hunter" for National Dog Day, on her Facebook page this morning and we almost pissed our pants.

In case you don't believe me that its National Dog Day just ask these guys:

Monday, August 3, 2015

Meanwhile In Australia | Robbie Maddison Surfs With a Motorbike | Come And Get It

Daredevil Surfs With A Motorbike!

Aussie Daredevil Catches Big Waves On A Motorbike!

Robbie Maddison is a self-described "nutter."

The Aussie daredevil is no stranger to wild stunts, but recently he outdid himself. On August 2, DC Shoes shared a video on YouTube titled "Pipe Dream," which shows "Maddo" riding on water with his motorbike, surfing waves on his motorbike and performing other God-like activities to slam home the fact that he is not a human.

Read the full article from here.